Getting back to the present

Thank you for dropping by, my name is David.

In late 2022 I took some time off to re-evaluate my previous business in mental health advocacy… While turning over my own research alongside various pieces of advice I was receiving from friends and mentors, I did a great deal of gardening. Messing around with plants has always been a place of quiet for me, where all sorts of ideas can sail on through my mind, with some landing and taking root. This insightful and therapeutic experience led me to conceive of Art Meets Plants emotional resilience workshops, an idea that also leverages from my qualifications and experience as a botanist and environmental scientist.

‘Art Meets Plants’ combines mindfulness, nature, self-expression, and community in the one place.

A playful, secular and evidence-based approach…

While working to support better mental health in ourselves and others is usually challenging, it can also be fun. In a similar fashion, understanding our mind needn’t be full of new age spiritual fluff, academic jargon or religious dogma. Some of the benefits of learning mindfulness fundamentals through our workshops include:

  • Decreased emotional reactivity and mental chatter;

  • Improved decision-making;

  • Better sleep.

And all workshop participants get to take home their own creations, so come along to at least have a bit of fun messing around with plants.


David Pearce BA BSc MMgt (Eco) is a botanist, environmental scientist, mental health advocate, event host, curator and public speaker, and has been communicating with individuals and communities about mental health and the natural environment for 15+ years.

Make an enquiry

If you would like to learn more about how you can create a healthier and happier workplace, or teach young people vital life skills to support their emotional resilience, then hit the button below.